搜尋:lung ch 在 書畫 分類當中


清畫院畫十二月月令圖四月 軸

清畫院畫十二月月令圖四月 軸

, the Ch’ien-lung Emperor in the first year of his reign (1736) requested the court painter Ch’en Mei.....more

清董邦達灞橋覓句 軸

清董邦達灞橋覓句 軸

of Fu-yang, Chekiang. During the reign of Emperor Ch’ien-lung (1736-1796), Tung assisted.....more

清唐岱孫祜等繪慶豐圖 軸

清唐岱孫祜等繪慶豐圖 軸

. This is a cooperative work of the Ch’ien-lung period court artists T’ang Tai, Sun Hu, and Ting Kuan-p’eng (fl.....more

民國臺靜農草書故國神遊 橫披

民國臺靜農草書故國神遊 橫披

) was a native of Huo-ch’iu, Anhwei province. He was an important scholar of literature and history in Taiwan.....more

清金廷標畫仙舟笛韻 軸

清金廷標畫仙舟笛韻 軸

portraitist. On one of the Ch’ien-lung Emperor’s inspection tours of the South, Chin T’ing-piao.....more

元趙肅書母衛宜人墓誌 卷

元趙肅書母衛宜人墓誌 卷

died forty-two years after Chao's own death. Thus the Ch'ing dynasty Ch'ien-lung Emperor's later.....more

清姚文瀚歲朝歡慶圖 軸

清姚文瀚歲朝歡慶圖 軸

was a court painter during the Ch’ien-lung era (1736-1795), though neither his dates nor his place.....more

清院本漢宮春曉圖 卷

清院本漢宮春曉圖 卷

by Emperor Ch’ien-lung in 1741 and is a total length of 718 centimeters. 本幅 32.9x718.1公分、隔水 14.2公分 清高宗乾隆六年.....more

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾書次韻秦太虛見戲耳聾詩 

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾書次韻秦...

. The poem in small running script here was done to the tune of the poem "chien-his erh-lung" by Ch.....more

清金廷標戲嬰圖 軸

清金廷標戲嬰圖 軸

, Chin T’ing-piao presented an album of Lohan paintings to the Ch’ien-lung Emperor during his.....more

清緙絲群仙慶壽圖 軸

清緙絲群仙慶壽圖 軸

are features of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795) tapestries. Weaving figures is often difficult because.....more

清郎世寧畫十駿圖大宛騮 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿圖大宛騮 軸

to the attention of the court. He served as a painter under the K’ang-hsi, Yung-cheng, and Ch’ien.....more

清郎世寧畫十駿圖霹靂驤 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿圖霹靂驤 軸

came to the attention of the court. He served as a painter under the K’ang-hsi, Yung-cheng, and Ch’ien.....more

清郎世寧畫十駿圖奔霄驄 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿圖奔霄驄 軸

to the attention of the court. He served as a painter under the K’ang-hsi, Yung-cheng, and Ch’ien-lung.....more

清金廷標畫人物 冊 秋林牧笛

清金廷標畫人物 冊 秋林牧笛

are unknown. During Emperor Ch’ien-lung’s inspection tour of the south in 1760 Chin presented.....more


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