搜尋:lines 在 書畫 分類當中


元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷

元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷

sway in the breeze in front of his home. His robes also flap in the wind as agile drapery lines.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋王詵傑閣媐春

集古名繪 冊 宋王詵傑閣媐春

are very tall and slender. The ruled lines in the architecture and the brushwork in the trees and rocks.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋錢選招涼仕女

集古名繪 冊 宋錢選招涼仕女

lines for the clothing create for a pure and refined scene. Although certainly by a master, this w.....more

鏤繪集錦 冊 仙山樓閣

鏤繪集錦 冊 仙山樓閣

but not without life or spirit. The proportion of the turns and the density of the lines are quite nimble.....more

鏤繪集錦 冊 花間行龍

鏤繪集錦 冊 花間行龍

to highlight the scales, the dragon’s body outlined with dark brown to make it stand out. The lines.....more

宋緙絲孔雀 軸

宋緙絲孔雀 軸

國立故宮博物院 緙絲特展圖錄,頁38-39、97-98 &*本幅設色亮麗而典雅,經緯組織結構精密。緙工技藝穩健有力,運梭如運筆,極得孔雀神韻,孔雀羽毛燦爛絢麗,用金線摻以各種色線織成,將孔雀羽毛華麗.....more

清繡線瑤池上壽圖 軸

清繡線瑤池上壽圖 軸

, was done in ink and then adorned with black strands of embroidered silk. The lines of the clouds.....more

御製讚緙絲極樂世界圖 軸

御製讚緙絲極樂世界圖 軸

and drapery lines for the figures and the architecture were done with brush and ink as well as washes.....more

元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷

元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷

sway in the breeze in front of his home. His robes also flap in the wind as agile drapery lines.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋王詵傑閣媐春

集古名繪 冊 宋王詵傑閣媐春

are very tall and slender. The ruled lines in the architecture and the brushwork in the trees and rocks.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋錢選招涼仕女

集古名繪 冊 宋錢選招涼仕女

lines for the clothing create for a pure and refined scene. Although certainly by a master, this w.....more

唐周昉內人雙陸圖 卷

唐周昉內人雙陸圖 卷

and white game pieces, and the board is divided into inner and outer areas with six lines on either side.....more

元趙雍春郊遊騎圖 軸

元趙雍春郊遊騎圖 軸

and muscular. Both are drawn with fine lines created with a centered brush.....more

元王振鵬寶津競渡圖 卷

元王振鵬寶津競渡圖 卷

this work was done in 1310. Wang Zhenpeng used fine, complex lines to precisely delineate the palatial.....more

宋賈師古大士像 軸

宋賈師古大士像 軸

are rendered with exceptionally fine brushwork. In contrast, the drapery lines vary considerably.....more


lines 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋