搜尋:left 在 書畫 分類當中


名繪集珍 冊  五代黃筌雪竹文禽

名繪集珍 冊  五代黃筌雪竹文...

. With the landscape weighted to the left, the waterfowl are isolated at the left, thus reflecting contrasts.....more

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

by the railing. To the left of the huts a rock cliff rises abruptly to form an unbroken screen across the scene.....more

名繪集珍 冊  宋吳炳嘉禾草蟲

名繪集珍 冊  宋吳炳嘉禾草蟲

with exceptional detail and naturalism. Since the top and left margins of the work appear to end abruptly.....more

明文徵明沈周唐寅仇英便面合裝冊 冊 明唐寅水墨山水


. There are two groups of trees; in the shade of the left-hand grove are an old man and a servant.....more

清高鳳翰大富貴圖 軸

清高鳳翰大富貴圖 軸

paralysis. From that time on, he used his left hand to paint and write, resulting in the unique.....more

五代周文矩水榭看鳧 冊頁

五代周文矩水榭看鳧 冊頁

stools have been placed to the left and right, and the seats are made of woven palm while the legs.....more

繪苑琳球 冊 無款嬰戲圖

繪苑琳球 冊 無款嬰戲圖

a boy in blue to come closer. The lady to the left holds a large fan, while the younger one.....more

唐人宮樂圖 軸

唐人宮樂圖 軸

to the rhythmic sound of clappers played by the woman standing to the left. Today, the painting is attributed.....more

歷代名繪 冊 射妖圖

歷代名繪 冊 射妖圖

. Standing on the bank of a stream, Chung K'uei turns to his left and pulls an arrow. With bow arched, he.....more

唐人宮樂圖 軸

唐人宮樂圖 軸

to the rhythmic sound of clappers played by the woman standing to the left. Today, the painting is attributed.....more

清惲壽平摹古 冊 倣黃公望天池石壁

清惲壽平摹古 冊 倣黃公望天池...

and the lower left side showing the water of a river. With repeated slanted-brush dry texturing.....more

明文徵明絕壑高閒 軸

明文徵明絕壑高閒 軸

, a scholar sits beside a pure, cold stream waiting for his guest to cross the bridge in the lower left.....more

明文徵明古木寒泉 軸

明文徵明古木寒泉 軸

and cedars grow next to each other here. Two pines at the left crisscross as they emerge from the bottom.....more

清王原祁仿黃公望山水 軸

清王原祁仿黃公望山水 軸

ranges. One of them goes from the lower left to the middle right and then extends to the main.....more

明陸治端陽佳景 軸

明陸治端陽佳景 軸

was inspired by a scene from Lu Chih’s garden. On a slope extending down from the left.....more

第 1 頁
共 22 頁

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