故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁164&*湖水中山石林立。樹兩叢,左叢下蔭一叟一童;右叢傍巖,瀑泉自叢石中飛漱而下。最左一童,抱書度石橋而至。筆墨脫盡文沈,疑是三十二歲作。 &* A mountain with rocks and a forest stands in the middle of a lake. There are two groups of trees; in the shade of the left-hand grove are an old man and a servant boy; behind the right-hand grove is a cliff with a waterfall cascading down its face. To the far left a servant boy carrying books is crossing a stone bridge. The use of brush and ink in the painting indicates a rejection of the styles of Shen Chou and Wen Cheng-ming. It was probably painted when T’ang Yin was 31 years old.