搜尋:iron 在 書畫 分類當中


元黃公望鐵崖圖 軸

元黃公望鐵崖圖 軸

. “Iron Precipice” was Yang’s alternate name, because he had a studio at Mt. Iron Precipice during his.....more

唐人文會圖 軸

唐人文會圖 軸

needles or as if carved out of iron. The myriad brushstrokes in this painting are all intricate.....more

宋人集繪 冊 無款周處擊蛟圖

宋人集繪 冊 無款周處擊蛟圖

of the Eight Immortals of Taoist legend, Li T’ieh-kuai (“Iron-staff Li”). He was said to have been tall.....more

清張惠言篆書八言聯 軸

清張惠言篆書八言聯 軸

the present with the past, has fine sharp strokes like iron wires a strong and archaic effect. This work.....more

宋李公麟苦吟圖 卷

宋李公麟苦吟圖 卷

with fine, ‘iron-wire’ lines, and color elegantly applied, resulting in a work of Chin and T’ang.....more

元楊維禎歲寒圖 軸

元楊維禎歲寒圖 軸

-jen), was a native of K’uai-chi, Chekiang. Since he was a skilled player of the t'ieh-ti (iron flute.....more

元人畫麻姑獻壽 軸

元人畫麻姑獻壽 軸

. The figures are archaic with the drapery lines like "bent-iron." The waves, flowers, and vegetation.....more

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋趙抃致知郡公明大夫尺牘

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋趙抃致知...

. Upright and outspoken, he criticized officials of rank and power, being known as “Iron-faced Censor.....more

宋范寬雪山蕭寺圖 軸

宋范寬雪山蕭寺圖 軸

trees appear as solid and stiff as iron, and the branches project in all directions like swords.....more

宋徽宗文會圖 軸

宋徽宗文會圖 軸

with surety and strength, like strands of iron.  The setting here is extravagant, differing.....more

元人應真像 軸

元人應真像 軸

. These methods include iron-wire lines, which are lines of an even thickness throughout, and graceful.....more

元人應真像 軸

元人應真像 軸

of individuality and vitality. These methods include iron-wire lines, which are of an even thickness.....more

清張若靄畫雪景人物事蹟 軸

清張若靄畫雪景人物事蹟 軸

). According to legend, there was an “iron-footed” or steadfast Taoist sage who thrived on plum blossoms.....more

宋人觀梅圖 軸

宋人觀梅圖 軸

corner of the roof. A tall pine works its way into the open air like a bent iron rod. Tnis method.....more

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

in with thick, opaque mineral pigments, such as iron red, azurite blue, and malachite green. Thin gold lines.....more

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iron 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋