故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁31&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十五冊,頁301-302&*李公麟(西元1049-1106年),安徽舒城人。字伯時,號龍眠居士。熙寧中進士,為中書門下省刪定官,元符三年(1100)病痺致仕,歸老龍眠山。博學精識,善山水、人物,集先代之長,而自成一家。寫人物能分別狀貌,使人望而知何種人。又兼工佛道人物及畫馬。本幅無作者款印,舊標為李公麟。通幅絹質甚古舊,畫文士三人倚坐,或捉筆苦思,或沉吟,或凝視,兩旁並有女侍婷立。觀其衣紋、面目,莫不線描纖細,且設色典雅,饒具龍眠居士追法晉唐的風致。&*Li Kung-lin (style name Po-shih, sobriquet Lung-mien chu-shih) was from Shu-ch’eng, He received the chin-shih degree during the Hsi-ning Era and served in the Secretariat-Chancellery. In 1100, he resigned and retired to Lung-mien Mountain. A man of broad learning, Li Kung-lin was also fond of painting landscapes and figures, and could clearly characterize the moral qualities of his figural subjects by appearance alone. This work bears neither the artist’s signature nor his seal on it, but was attributed to Li Kung-lin. The painting was done on a piece of ancient silk. The depiction is of three men of letters seated in a relaxed manner around a table. One holds a brush and is deep in thought; another seems to be muttering to himself, the third stares fixedly, unseeing. At both sides, female attendants stand gracefully. The delineation of clothing and faces was done with fine, ‘iron-wire’ lines, and color elegantly applied, resulting in a work of Chin and T’ang temperament.