搜尋:ink 在 書畫 分類當中


元人歲朝圖 軸

元人歲朝圖 軸

)&*Attributed to an anonymous artist, Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) Hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk.....more

明文徵明松陰曳杖圖 軸

明文徵明松陰曳杖圖 軸

Chou, T’ang Yin and Ch’iu Ying, was counted as one of the Four Masters of the Ming. This ink painting.....more

明陸治玉蘭 軸

明陸治玉蘭 軸

and perseverance. Using brush and ink, Lu may have thus chosen this subject as a vehicle for his feelings.....more

明沈周參天特秀 軸

明沈周參天特秀 軸

was equally talented at depicting flowers, fruit, and birds in monochrome ink. When Liu Hsien-chih of Liao.....more

明謝時臣四皓 軸

明謝時臣四皓 軸

with variations in the ink washes for an imposing manner. Hsieh, famed for his.....more

明吳彬仙山高士 軸

明吳彬仙山高士 軸

Emperor (1573-1620), he became famous as a painter and calligrapher. His ink-line drawings were.....more

明陸治端陽佳景 軸

明陸治端陽佳景 軸

depicted here were almost all executed by means of applying color and ink as wash without.....more

明文嘉仿沈周廬山詩畫 軸

明文嘉仿沈周廬山詩畫 軸

Shen's. Shen's “Lofty Mt. Lu”,however,is based on Wang Meng's style; he use layers of ink and wrinkle.....more

明沈周鳩聲喚雨 軸

明沈周鳩聲喚雨 軸

, he excelled at landscapes, and at monochrome ink renditions of flowers, fruits, vegetables, birds.....more

清姚文瀚歲朝歡慶圖 軸

清姚文瀚歲朝歡慶圖 軸

of origin are recorded. He was a painter of Buddhist and Taoist figures, and both his ink and color.....more

元俞和臨定武褉帖 冊

元俞和臨定武褉帖 冊

(1447-1513) wrote that Yu "…had a profound understanding of Chao Meng-fu's use of ink, but his own.....more

明丁雲鵬十八羅漢圖 卷

明丁雲鵬十八羅漢圖 卷

, and υajra bells. Outlining the figures in monochrome ink, Ting has used delicate, fluid lines to model.....more

清傳綮寫生 冊 水仙

清傳綮寫生 冊 水仙

. With mature and succinct brush and ink, he personified his subjects, using symbolic expressions.....more

明唐寅溪山漁隱 卷

明唐寅溪山漁隱 卷

stroll with their staffs. Axe-cut texture strokes made with a centered-tip brush and moist ink.....more

元王振鵬龍池競渡圖 卷

元王振鵬龍池競渡圖 卷

he dragon boats lined up were done with utmost precision. Wang used the pai-miao (outline) style of ink.....more


ink 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋