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共找到 90 筆符合的資料
清黃鼎溪橋林影圖 軸
üan and later from Wang Hui and Wang Yüan-ch’i, two of the six leading masters of the Ch’ing.....more
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名人畫扇(下) 冊 清上睿山水
Mu-ts’un and P’u-shih-tzu. In landscape painting he received Wang Hui’s instruction and was able.....more
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清吳歷倣吳鎮山水 軸
of depicting a large mountain with serried peaks. Wang Hui (1632-1717) considered Wu Li to be deeply.....more
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清王翬臨唐宋各家山水 冊 仿癡...
,連接懸崖飛瀑,其後雲嵐霧籠,主山聳峙,在小幅中呈現全景山水的氣勢。以黃公望慣用的披麻皴、礬頭與苔點,再於山石罩染赭色與汁綠,使畫面生動活潑且饒富裝飾性。 (20110609)&*Wang Hui.....more
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清王學浩山水畫冊 冊
。 &* Wang Hsüeh-hao (style name Meng-yang, sobriquet Chiao-hsi) was a native of K’un-shan.....more
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清黃鼎畫群峰雪霽 軸
;an, but later he became the pupil of Wang Hui (1632-1717) and Wang Yüan-ch’i (1642-1715). This painting.....more
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清王雲仿李營丘寒林鴉陣圖 軸
with such prominent figures in painting circles at the time as Wang Hui and Yang Jin. This painting is a copy.....more
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清王原祁倣黃公望秋山圖 軸
Wang Shimin, Wang Jian, and Wang Hui, they were known as ''The Four Wangs.'' Coiling through.....more
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清王翬畫石磴林泉 軸
皴紋,有的如范寬之「雨點皴」,有的如「斧劈皴」,再加上枯墨的皴擦,更具有方硬厚重之意。 &* Wang Hui, tzu (style name) Shih-ku, hao(sobriquet.....more
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清王翬仿趙孟頫江村清夏圖 軸
,村樹之間,淡煙如幕,雜以翔鷺飛燕。全幅構景,得疏密動靜之妙,用墨盡燥濕淺深之巧,是王翬七十五歲的佳作。&*Wang Hui, a native of Kiangsu, was taught.....more
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明周文靖雪夜訪戴 軸
. This painting depicts a popular anecdote about Wang Hui-chih, the son of the Chin calligrapher Wang.....more
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清吳歷雲白山青圖 卷
Hui were both students of Wang Chien and Wang Shih-min. These four are often grouped.....more
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