搜尋:fine 在 書畫 分類當中


明沈周溪橋訪友 軸

明沈周溪橋訪友 軸

brushwork and fine texturing, and appears closest to a work which Shen Chou painted at the age of fifty-two.....more

元邊武書千文 冊

元邊武書千文 冊

was indeed a fine student. 本幅一 34.4x23.6公分、本幅二 34.4x23.6公分、本幅三 34.9x24.4公分、本幅四 34.8x24.4公分、本幅五 34.9x24.4公分.....more

宋人寒林待渡 軸

宋人寒林待渡 軸

. The tip of the brush is exposed and the method of ink superbly fine.” However, most surviving.....more

宋人秋荷野鳧圖 軸

宋人秋荷野鳧圖 軸

" method. The ink work is particularly fine and vivacious.&*一隻野雁蹣跚走向水邊凸起的平石上,凝視著遠方,不知是在尋找什麼,還是在等待什麼,牠的.....more

宋人柳陰高士圖 軸

宋人柳陰高士圖 軸

is executed with the point of the brush. The color of the ink is fine and brilliant; the strength.....more

宋劉松年畫羅漢 軸

宋劉松年畫羅漢 軸

and coloring of this painting are particularly fine, even the lines of the garments.....more

明陳洪綬畫荷花 軸

明陳洪綬畫荷花 軸

with water plants as well. The lines delineating the lotuses are fine yet forceful, the leaves twisting.....more

元人法書 冊 楊維禎書晚節堂詩

元人法書 冊 楊維禎書晚節堂詩

with friends and disciples enjoying tea and wine. With new brushes and fine ink, he often.....more

明丁雲鵬白馬馱經圖 軸

明丁雲鵬白馬馱經圖 軸

with the monks behind. It was done in 1625, when Ting was aged 78. Shedding the fine style of his early.....more

明丁雲鵬廬山高 軸

明丁雲鵬廬山高 軸

are modeled in fine "ox-hair" texture strokes. The artist's heavy, turbid handing of ink here is most.....more

清郎世寧八駿圖 軸

清郎世寧八駿圖 軸

setting. Castiglione’s signature in the lower right was done in fine Sung-style script, which.....more

宋許道寧喬木圖 軸

宋許道寧喬木圖 軸

gives the appearance of being in a moving mist. This is a fine painting, but it does not bear.....more

清郎世寧百駿圖 卷

清郎世寧百駿圖 卷

Lang Shih-ning, was a Jesuit missionary from Italy. Known for his exceptionally fine skill.....more

宋易元吉猴貓圖 卷

宋易元吉猴貓圖 卷

by the monkey. The kittens were rendered with extremely fine brushstrokes to which.....more

清郎世寧畫白猿 軸

清郎世寧畫白猿 軸

Castiglione has used obvious shadows here to set off the fine and soft fur of this white gibbon.....more


fine 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋