搜尋:cheng 在 書畫 分類當中


明陳栝四時花卉 冊 梅

明陳栝四時花卉 冊 梅

。&*Plums Ch’en Kua Ming Dynasty Ch’en Kua (tzu Tzu-cheng, hao T’o-chiang) was a native of Ch’ang-chou.....more

明陸治寫生 冊 風雨海棠

明陸治寫生 冊 風雨海棠

studied with Chu Yün-ming and Wen Cheng-ming. His paintings reflect a refined sense of style; his.....more

明鄭重十八應真像 冊 應真像(九)

明鄭重十八應真像 冊 應真像(...

,通幅以墨漬染濃雲密霧,形容出大自然神祕恐怖,不可意測的景象。&*Cheng Chung (style name; Ch'ien-li)was native of She-hsien,Anhwei.....more

明陸治花卉 卷

明陸治花卉 卷

ün-ming and Wen Cheng-ming. As a person he was noted for his filial and upright character.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 明孫克弘芙蓉

花卉畫冊 冊 明孫克弘芙蓉

, and Cheng Ssu-hsiao for orchids. He was also able to paint figures including immortals and Buddhist.....more

明人畫扇 冊 明陸治荷塘結夏

明人畫扇 冊 明陸治荷塘結夏

-ming (1460-1526) and Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559), who taught him the art of painting. Lu developed his.....more

明人畫扇集冊貳冊 (下) 冊 明陸治海棠

明人畫扇集冊貳冊 (下) 冊 明...

was a student of such artistic luminaries as Chu Yün-ming (1460-1526) and Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559.....more

明陸治蔡羽書畫合璧 冊 虎丘圖

明陸治蔡羽書畫合璧 冊 虎丘圖

was a student of such artistic luminaries as Chu Yün-ming (1460-1526) and Wen Cheng-ming (1470.....more

清郎世寧畫十駿圖大宛騮 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿圖大宛騮 軸

to the attention of the court. He served as a painter under the K’ang-hsi, Yung-cheng, and Ch’ien.....more

清郎世寧畫十駿圖霹靂驤 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿圖霹靂驤 軸

came to the attention of the court. He served as a painter under the K’ang-hsi, Yung-cheng, and Ch’ien.....more

清郎世寧畫十駿圖奔霄驄 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿圖奔霄驄 軸

to the attention of the court. He served as a painter under the K’ang-hsi, Yung-cheng, and Ch’ien-lung.....more

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 浴蠶

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 浴蠶

, a native of Sungkiang near Shanghai, entered court service in the early Yung-cheng reign (1723.....more

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 緯

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 緯

效果。&*Ch’en Mei, a native of Sungkiang near Shanghai, entered court service in the early Yung-cheng.....more

明仇英純孝圖 冊

明仇英純孝圖 冊

of Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559) and Hsü Ch’u (16th century). However, the calligraphy and seals.....more

清郎世寧畫十駿圖赤花鷹 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿圖赤花鷹 軸

painting and architecture. At 27, he came to China and soon began painting for the K’ang-hsi, Yung-cheng.....more


cheng 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋