搜尋:calligraphy 在 書畫 分類當中


唐褚遂良書倪寬傳贊 卷

唐褚遂良書倪寬傳贊 卷

name Dengshan), a native of Qiantang in Zhejiang, excelled at calligraphy. In his early years he.....more

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄致杜君長官尺牘

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄致杜君長...

-chou and the capital district of K'ai-feng. In calligraphy, he studied.....more

宋代墨寶 冊 宋徽宗書牡丹詩 

宋代墨寶 冊 宋徽宗書牡丹詩 

turn to his foremost loves--painting and calligraphy. A man of particular genius, his.....more

清周亮工集名家山水 冊

清周亮工集名家山水 冊

, as well as a painter in his own right. Chou was an avid collector of painting and calligraphy and gathered.....more

明沈周蘇州山水全圖 卷

明沈周蘇州山水全圖 卷

, excelled at poetry, belles-lettres, calligraphy, and painting (especially landscapes and flowers.....more

明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

and essays, he also excelled in painting and calligraphy. His painting repertoire included landscape.....more

民國臺靜農臨漢簡 軸

民國臺靜農臨漢簡 軸

slips, when enlarged as such, it surprisingly captures the spirit of Han dynasty calligraphy.....more

宋林逋手札二帖 冊

宋林逋手札二帖 冊

-chung's calligraphy. Later critics over the years applauded Lin's calligraphic style for its clarity.....more

宋四家真蹟 冊 宋蘇軾次辯才韻詩

宋四家真蹟 冊 宋蘇軾次辯才韻...

talents, he was equally gifted at poetry, painting, and calligraphy, in the latter of which he.....more

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋陸游致仲躬侍郎尺牘

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋陸游致仲...

expressing his concern for the people. The style of the calligraphy was influenced by those of Su Tung.....more

宋元寶翰 冊 元白玉蟾書四言詩

宋元寶翰 冊 元白玉蟾書四言詩

away from the custom of composing calligraphy in distinct vertical lines. The elegant combination.....more

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊

and calligraphy during the Wan-li reign (1573-1619); his landscapes, Buddhist images, and figures.....more

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋米芾致彥和國士尺牘 

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋米芾致彥和國...

government posts. Mi Fu devoted his lift to the study of calligraphy. He learned from all the great masters.....more

元高克恭雲橫秀嶺 軸

元高克恭雲橫秀嶺 軸

and calligraphy. Not until aftter he was 41 when he served in office in the south did he begin to study.....more

清陳字文房集錦 冊 戲嬰圖

清陳字文房集錦 冊 戲嬰圖

painter Ch’en Hung-shou (1598-1652). Their styles of painting and calligraphy appear very similar.....more


calligraphy 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋