搜尋:Album 在 書畫 分類當中


紈扇畫冊 冊 元盛懋秋溪釣艇

紈扇畫冊 冊 元盛懋秋溪釣艇

technically quite mature. This is the 8th leaf from Album of Round Fan Paintings. 本幅 26x27.3公分、全幅 40.1x67.....more

宋四家集冊 冊 宋黃庭堅山預帖 

宋四家集冊 冊 宋黃庭堅山預帖...

. It is a metaphor for not discarding a man of talent so readily. This is from the album “Collection.....more

宋四家集冊 冊 宋黃庭堅書尺牘 

宋四家集冊 冊 宋黃庭堅書尺牘...

graceful effect while being viscous and strong. This is a leaf from the album entitled “Collection.....more

宋賢書翰 冊 宋薛紹彭詩帖

宋賢書翰 冊 宋薛紹彭詩帖

)is revealed. This is from the album Calligraphy by the Sung Sages. 本幅一 27.3x31.2公分、本幅二 27.6x31.5公分、全幅 42.....more

清金廷標畫?花壽石 軸

清金廷標畫?花壽石 軸

’ien-lung made his southern tour, Chin T’ing-piao presented an album of lohans painted in the plain.....more

清金廷標畫碧桃 軸

清金廷標畫碧桃 軸

an album of ink drawings of Buddhist arhats. The Emperor liked it and summoned Chin to serve at court.....more

名畫薈珍 冊 明王紱小山叢竹

名畫薈珍 冊 明王紱小山叢竹

to reveal his free and easy manner of painting. This is the 8th leaf from the album Collected.....more

明祝允明書千字文 冊

明祝允明書千字文 冊

of different script types in calligraphy. Zhu Yunming did this album in 1495 for his friend Zhu Kai.....more

清金廷標畫移桃圖 軸

清金廷標畫移桃圖 軸

’ien-lung Emperor (r. 1736-1796) toured south China, Chin T’ing-piao presented him with an album.....more

清金廷標?泥圖 軸

清金廷標?泥圖 軸

emperor journeyed to south China, Chin presented him with an album of pai-miao lohans.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清周度疏林寒鴉

藝林清賞 冊 清周度疏林寒鴉

, a popular subject in painting. This painting is the fourth leaf in the album Yi-lin ch’ing-shang. 本幅 16.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清徐恆蜜蜂芙蓉

藝林清賞 冊 清徐恆蜜蜂芙蓉

flowers. This painting is the tenth leaf in the album Yi-lin ch’ing-shang. 本幅 16.9x53公分、對幅 18x51.2公分、全.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清楊大璧雲壑奔泉

藝林清賞 冊 清楊大璧雲壑奔泉

leaves in this album, Yi-lin ch’ing, Yang Ta-pi is possibly an artist of the mid-19th century. 本幅 17.....more

宋人集繪 冊 宋李迪秋葵山石

宋人集繪 冊 宋李迪秋葵山石

畫院,授成忠郎,至南紹興年間再復職,為書院副使,賜金帶。工畫花鳥、走獸、竹石。 & This is the first leaf from the album.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清偉元布袋和尚

藝林清賞 冊 清偉元布袋和尚

of the figure. This painting is the eleventh leaf in the album Yi-lin ch’ing-shang. 本幅 16.9x50公分、對幅.....more


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