搜尋:u? 在 水墨 分類當中


宋范寬秋林飛瀑 軸

宋范寬秋林飛瀑 軸

. The imagery of red maple leaves of autumn floating on the water is derived from Ts’ui Hsin-ming’s.....more

宋蘇漢臣畫五瑞圖 軸

宋蘇漢臣畫五瑞圖 軸

filled with peony flowers, five children gather to dance. Some are made up, some wear masks, some.....more

宋郭熙畫雪景 軸

宋郭熙畫雪景 軸

, is a figure on a residence. To the right is a solitary figure on the water. The right opens up to a vast.....more

宋崔白秋浦蓉賓 軸

宋崔白秋浦蓉賓 軸

traditionally to Ts’ui Po. Ts’ui Po, a native of Anhwei, served as a court painter in the reigns.....more

宋崔白畫枇杷孔雀 軸

宋崔白畫枇杷孔雀 軸

上,一隻行走花叢間,頭頂上飛翔著綬帶鳥,太湖石旁盛開各種花卉。整幅布滿了圖案,著色鮮麗,畫面顯得非常熱鬧富麗。 &* Ts’ui Po was a native of Hao-liang.....more

宋馬遠山水人物 軸

宋馬遠山水人物 軸

and peaks. One looks up and the other bows down, almost as if practicing a ritual. The earthen forms here.....more

清院本親蠶圖 卷 詣壇

清院本親蠶圖 卷 詣壇

(Giuseppe Castiglione, 1688-1768), Chin K’un, Lu Chan and seven other members of the court.....more

清院本親蠶圖 卷 獻繭

清院本親蠶圖 卷 獻繭

” was built based on antiquity and a complete set of “Rituals for Sericulture” drawn up.....more

清陸白?為長松圖 軸

清陸白?為長松圖 軸

is built up in this way. 本幅 315.9x129.1公分、全幅 167.2公分 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 陸白為 數位化執行單位:國立故宮博物院 清陸白為長松圖 軸 故畫.....more

清院本親蠶圖 卷 採桑

清院本親蠶圖 卷 採桑

. At the Ch’ing court, Lang Shih-ning (Giuseppe Castiglione), Chin K’un, Lu Chan, and seven other Ch’ien.....more

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄致公謹尺牘 

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄致公謹尺...

) of 1030, he smoothly served up to the Censorate and Historiography Institute. Loyal and upright.....more

宋賢書翰 冊 宋蔡襄致彥猷尺牘

宋賢書翰 冊 宋蔡襄致彥猷尺牘

-chien, or Mi Fu. His standard script sums up the early Sung reverence for Yen Chen-ch'ing.....more

元王蒙芝蘭室圖 卷

元王蒙芝蘭室圖 卷

, imparting an aura of ddark antiquity. This work depicts the Buddhist shrine set up by a high-ranking monk.....more

清董邦達楓谿觀瀑高宗御題 軸

清董邦達楓谿觀瀑高宗御題 軸

Dynasty Tung Pang-ta was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. His style name was Fu-ts’un and his sobriquet.....more

清董邦達蘇堤春曉 軸

清董邦達蘇堤春曉 軸

。嗣守林希榜曰:「蘇公堤」。此堤四時景色皆宜,而春日為最。 &* Tung Pang-ta (tzu Fu-ts’un, hao Tung-shun) was a native of Fu-yang.....more


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