搜尋:state 在 水墨 分類當中


清黃慎人物 橫披

清黃慎人物 橫披

of the Historian, Ching K’o from the state of Wei in the Warring States period (475-221 BC) made the acquaintance.....more

元管道昇竹石 軸

元管道昇竹石 軸

the posthumous title "Madame of the State of Wei". A devout Buddhist, she was gifted at writing.....more

明張翀畫採芝仙 軸

明張翀畫採芝仙 軸

仙傲岸不群的神色形成一絕妙配搭。 &* Some sources state that Chang Ch’ung was a native of Chiang-ning (modern Nanking.....more

民國羅振玉臨新莽銅器銘 軸

民國羅振玉臨新莽銅器銘 軸

served the Manchukuo puppet state. In calligraphy, he early studied Yan Zhenqing’s style but later.....more

清鄒一桂畫花卉 軸

清鄒一桂畫花卉 軸

in the Department of Rites and in the Secretariat of State. He wrote the Hsiao-shan Catalogue of Paintings.....more

元人畫葦渡圖 軸

元人畫葦渡圖 軸

Bodhidharma broke off a reed and stepped on it to cross the river to the Northern Wei state. This work shows.....more

清方琮石壁秋林 軸

清方琮石壁秋林 軸

). Painting histories state that Fang Ts’ung’s landscape style was derived from that of the Yü.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋艾宣寫生罌粟

宋元集繪 冊 宋艾宣寫生罌粟

in matters of state and exerting considerable power at the time. Although Empress Yang reportedly came.....more

清錢灃行楷書詩冊 冊

清錢灃行楷書詩冊 冊

and was therefore admired by many. Also serving in the Council of State, he fell ill from exhaustion.....more

清錢慧安人物 冊頁

清錢慧安人物 冊頁

to emphasize his carefree way of dressing and his complete frank state of mind. Ch’ien has captured.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋廉孚秋山煙靄

集古名繪 冊 宋廉孚秋山煙靄

達了物我溶合,天人一體的境界。&*Some records state that Lien Fu was a native of Sung-shan-yin (modern Shao-hsing.....more

元趙孟頫湯王徵尹圖 軸

元趙孟頫湯王徵尹圖 軸

Chieh, but was lacking the assistance of a sage. He heard of I-yin in the state of Hsin, who tilled.....more

清唐岱沈源合筆豳風圖 軸

清唐岱沈源合筆豳風圖 軸

of an ancient state in China. When Prince Ch’eng assumed leadership, the Duke of Chou acted.....more

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

. Chao Hsü was a diligent student since youth and paid close attention to major affairs of state.....more

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

. Chao Hsü was a diligent student since youth and paid close attention to major affairs of state.....more

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state 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋