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共找到 78 筆符合的資料
清王翬倣王蒙夏山讀書圖 軸
屋宇,是石谷本色。澗水緣坡而下,中多碎石,奔湍轉壑,髣髴有聲,是此中勝處。康熙甲戍(西元一六九四年),作者六十三歲。 &* Wang Hui (tzu Shih-ku, hao Keng-yen.....more
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宋人法書(三) 冊 宋趙鼎書劄...
, but in the Sung it began to be called cha-tzu. This memorial is in the style of Yen Chen-ch'ing (709-785.....more
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明文徵明影翠軒圖 軸
-shan-chü-shih. Talented in poetry, calligraphy, painting and belleslettres, he was associated.....more
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明陸師道攜卷對山圖 軸
,一士子持卷坐樹陰下,對山諷誦。用筆蒼勁,視乃師為恣肆矣。而畫中一種雅澹之氣,固是衡山本色也。款題嘉靖甲辰,是三十一歲作。 &* Lu Shih-tao was a native of Ch’ang.....more
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清弘?畫萬壑祥雲 軸
chü-shih, Yao-hua tao-jen) was a member of the Ch’ing imperial family. While his precise birth.....more
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清張照臨王榖祥梅花 軸
, hao Wu-ch’uang, Ching-nan, and in later years T’ien-p’ing chü-shih) was a native of Hua-t’ing.....more
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明商喜四仙拱壽圖 軸
, a patriarch of the Ch'üan-chen sect; and Han-shan and Shih-te, 2 Ch'an monks of the T'ang. Shang Hsi.....more
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清周亮工集名家山水 冊 明程正...
degree in 1631. He adopted the present name at the beginning of the Ch’ing dynasty. His tzu was Tuan.....more
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明夏昶清風高節圖 軸
-1470) Ming Dynasty Hsia Ch’ang (style name Chung-chao; sobriquets Tzu-tsai chü-shih and Yü.....more
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清王時敏松巖靜樂圖 軸
of the Four Wangs of the Ch’ing dynasty, was from T’ai-ts’ang in Kiangsu. His tzu (style name) was Hsun-chih.....more
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宋蘇軾書歸去來辭 卷
流露瀟灑奔逸豪邁不羈的氣概。此卷文字意態豐腴,結體穩密,縱筆重,橫筆輕,撇戈筆劃,左伸而右縮,為蘇字特色,然章法整齊,筆力不足,疑為後世倣作。&*Su Shih(style name Tzu-chan.....more
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宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾書次韻秦...
:「豐妍瘦硬各有態」。本福字形溫潤勻穩,不以略肥而失韻也,為蘇書佳品。&*Su Shih(style name Tzu-tan and sobriquet Tung-p'o chu-shih.....more
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