搜尋:shape 在 水墨 分類當中


宋人枯木竹石 軸

宋人枯木竹石 軸

' strokes have been employed to shape the large rock: the ink is pale, the brushwork strong. Behind the rock.....more

昇平樂事圖 冊 鹿燈

昇平樂事圖 冊 鹿燈

lanterns in the shape of a dog, rabbit, and deer, as if to suggest that they are out on a play.....more

鏤繪集錦 冊 山果寒禽

鏤繪集錦 冊 山果寒禽

in the unusual shape of the pomegranate and stark veins of the leaf. Yet, this work still conveys a decorative.....more

元王蒙東山草堂圖 軸

元王蒙東山草堂圖 軸

, and even the shape of the lake tend toward rectangularity. The artist's handling of ink is solid.....more

宋元四家書 冊 宋陸游上問台閎尊眷尺牘

宋元四家書 冊 宋陸游上問台閎...

, tea compressed into a rounded shape was counted as a "disc cake". Other forms were called "broad.....more

秦量墨拓 軸

秦量墨拓 軸

in shape with a handle on one side and engraved outside with 40 characters of the 221 edict. Qin.....more

無量壽佛會慶圖 冊 龍宮默識

無量壽佛會慶圖 冊 龍宮默識

vow. The waves are flowing in every direction. Manjusri assumes the shape of a monk and sits.....more

漢富樂未央子孫益昌塼墨拓 軸

漢富樂未央子孫益昌塼墨拓 軸

, in which a continuous diamond-shape pattern on the left and right decorates the surface. The lines.....more

清王翬圖繪 冊 大癡道人倣北苑夏山圖

清王翬圖繪 冊 大癡道人倣北苑...

, “Huang Gongwang’s Imitation of Dong Yuan’s ‘Summer Mountains,’” the shape and force of the mountains here.....more

宋元明集繪 冊 元黃公望野彴吟節

宋元明集繪 冊 元黃公望野彴吟...

river, and a peak rising in the distance is slightly trapezoidal in shape. The cliff face features.....more

清唐岱倣范寬畫幅 軸

清唐岱倣范寬畫幅 軸

. In this work after the style of Fan K’uan (10th-11th c.), the shape of the mountains, the arrangement.....more

鏤繪集錦 冊 菊花

鏤繪集錦 冊 菊花

and the saw-tooth shape of the leaf edges, with ink added to emphasize the lines. The shapes of the blossoms.....more

宋趙伯駒飛仙圖 軸

宋趙伯駒飛仙圖 軸

, the shape of the pine trees and the pattern of the cliffs here are similar to those in 16th century.....more

名繪集珍 冊 五代周文矩按樂圖

名繪集珍 冊 五代周文矩按樂圖

the legs are intricately carved cusped openings, and the feet are in the shape of scepters.....more

元盛懋江楓秋艇 卷

元盛懋江楓秋艇 卷

, heavy leaves are adaptations on the standard form in the shape of the character chieh (介), his style.....more

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shape 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋