搜尋:script 在 水墨 分類當中


珍圖薈帙 冊 明宣宗夏果寫生

珍圖薈帙 冊 明宣宗夏果寫生

script.(20120407) 本幅 24.2x17.8公分、對幅 24.2x17.8公分、全幅 37.2x60.7公分 明宣宗宣德三年(1428) 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 朱瞻基 明宣宗.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 明李流芳枯松掛壁

花卉畫冊 冊 明李流芳枯松掛壁

, but his style is more free and spontaneous. The inscription was written in draft cursive script.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 明朱完竹柏

花卉畫冊 冊 明朱完竹柏

poetry and in writing seal and clerical calligraphy. His clerical script was tightly structured, and his.....more

元明人詞翰 卷 宋克書五言古詩

元明人詞翰 卷 宋克書五言古詩

have been introduced into the cursive script here. Although undated, the reserved quality.....more

元王振鵬畫手卷 卷

元王振鵬畫手卷 卷

and includes an inscription in standard script about their deeds. As a text-and-image record.....more

宋四家集冊 冊 宋蔡襄書尺牘 

宋四家集冊 冊 宋蔡襄書尺牘 

of this letter in running script, it was probably done in 1051, when Cai was at the Chinese age of 40. The style.....more

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

associations. For the bamboo stems, Li handled the brush as though doing seal script calligraphy.....more

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

, and provided with an opposing leaf in regular script calligraphy. The subject of this portrait is Chao Hsü.....more

清潘是稷墨妙珠林 (亥) 冊

清潘是稷墨妙珠林 (亥) 冊

calligraphed in regular script by Ji Huang. Each work has a two-character title with a 4-character poem in 12.....more

清余省畫墨妙珠林 (子)  冊

清余省畫墨妙珠林 (子)  冊

in running script on verses on flowers by the Qianlong Emperor. The Abstracts of Liang Yuandi states.....more

宋勾龍爽山水 軸

宋勾龍爽山水 軸

at the archaic beauty of seal-style script on ancient bronzes, making one feel that contemporary styles.....more

清沈源墨妙珠林(酉) 冊

清沈源墨妙珠林(酉) 冊

in semi-regular script, describing the features of each official, their relation to Taizong.....more

清唐岱畫墨妙珠林(申) 冊

清唐岱畫墨妙珠林(申) 冊

) in regular script, providing the names, heritage, stylistic features, and critiques of these 24.....more

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

associations. For the bamboo stems, Li handled the brush as though doing seal script calligraphy.....more

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

, and provided with an opposing leaf in regular script calligraphy. The subject of this portrait is Chao Hsü.....more


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