搜尋:s` 在 水墨 分類當中


元龔開鍾進士移居圖 卷

元龔開鍾進士移居圖 卷

follower of the great T'ang painter, Ts'ao Pa (fl. 8th c.), but Kung's method of description was somewhat.....more

明宣宗書上林冬暖詩 軸

明宣宗書上林冬暖詩 軸

). Hsuan-tsung's early calligraphy was influenced by those of the early Ming court calligraphers Shen.....more

明陳璧書五言古詩 軸

明陳璧書五言古詩 軸

traces of influence from Huai-su's Autobiography. In histories, Ch'en Pi reputedly went to study.....more

清王時敏倣黃公望浮嵐暖翠圖 軸

清王時敏倣黃公望浮嵐暖翠圖 軸

of this hanging scroll are similar to Wang Shimin’s “Copying Huang Gongwang’s Imitation of Dong Yuan’s.....more

歷朝名繪 冊 宋馬和之古木流泉 

歷朝名繪 冊 宋馬和之古木流泉...

to have been ordered to illustrate the emperor's calligraphic transcription of “The Odes of Mao.....more

宋人集繪 冊 無款溪旁閒話

宋人集繪 冊 無款溪旁閒話

'ü’s haggard expression and withered body from his wandering. The old fisherman listens.....more

集古圖繪 冊 明陳惟允詩意圖

集古圖繪 冊 明陳惟允詩意圖

, and his brushwork is taut and intentionally awkward. Ni's inscription is dated to 1365, when he.....more

明文徵明千巖競秀 軸

明文徵明千巖競秀 軸

). He was noted for his paintings of landscapes, flowers, birds bamboo, and fruits. Wen’s artistic.....more

清惲壽平畫山水 軸

清惲壽平畫山水 軸

Masters of the Early Ch’ing. Yün Shou-p’ing’s late works were mostly flowers in the “sketching.....more

清王原祁華山秋色 軸

清王原祁華山秋色 軸

-ch'i's use of heavy ink enabled him to unite all parts of the painting into a total image.....more

宋范寬秋林飛瀑 軸

宋范寬秋林飛瀑 軸

manner. Fan K’uan’s painting style was extremely individualistic; his brushwork and use of ink were.....more

清陳書出海大士像 軸

清陳書出海大士像 軸

states, “Hearing of Kuan-yin’s conduct, virtue reaches all. Moved to pledge an oath as deep as the sea.....more

清姚文瀚摹宋人文會圖 卷

清姚文瀚摹宋人文會圖 卷

. Judging from this work alone, Yao Wen-han’s brushwork was precise, refined, and powerful, while his use.....more

元趙孟頫鵲華秋色 卷

元趙孟頫鵲華秋色 卷

the scenery of Zhou's ancestral land. The composition of the scroll is succinct; by the shores of marshy.....more

宋歐陽修集古錄跋 卷

宋歐陽修集古錄跋 卷

to the Heir Apparent and was given the posthumous name Wen-chung. Su Shih once said of Ou-yang Hsiu's.....more


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