搜尋:poets 在 水墨 分類當中


名人畫扇(下) 冊 清上睿山水

名人畫扇(下) 冊 清上睿山水

at the Tung-ch’an Temple. He organized a poets’ association with Hui Shih-ch’i and Chang Ta-shou.....more

明人畫扇集冊 冊 明宋旭風煙水月

明人畫扇集冊 冊 明宋旭風煙水...

to have traveled to Sungkiang at around the age of 50 and come in contact with poets and painters.....more

元任仁發飲中八仙圖 卷

元任仁發飲中八仙圖 卷

Li Bai and 7 other Tang poets in a drunken scene of reciting poetry. The figures are untrammeled.....more

元鮮于樞行草真蹟 冊

元鮮于樞行草真蹟 冊

poems by T'ang dynasty (618-907) poets. 本幅 31x18.5公分、全幅 41.5x50.5公分 類型:書法 型式:文字 鮮于樞 數位化執行單位:國立故宮博物院 元鮮于樞.....more

宋元寶翰 冊 宋范成大致養正監廟奉議尺牘

宋元寶翰 冊 宋范成大致養正監...

how lesser poets at the time would ask for Fan’s poetry and benefit financially, showing how common.....more

清高其佩廬山瀑布圖 軸

清高其佩廬山瀑布圖 軸

the subject of praise by poets and painters alike. Depicted here is a suspended waterfall and a figure whose.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清朱璨英畫杏花

藝林清賞 冊 清朱璨英畫杏花

ideas of T’ang poets for His Excellency Shao-chu. Chu Ts’an-ying of Nan-ts’un.” From this inscription.....more

宋人黃鶴樓圖 軸

宋人黃鶴樓圖 軸

been destroyed and rebuilt many times, poets and painters have sung its praises over the centuries.....more

明唐寅畫嫦娥奔月 軸

明唐寅畫嫦娥奔月 軸

of later poets and painters. T’ang Yin, style name Po-hu and sobriquet Liu-ju, was a native of Wu.....more

明丁雲鵬廬山高 軸

明丁雲鵬廬山高 軸

and peaks. The area abounds with waterfalls and is the frequent subject of praise by poets and painters.....more


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