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共找到 17 筆符合的資料
明人臨宋人白描大士像 軸
of the most breathtaking parts of the painting is the feat of inscribing, the entire Kuan-yin (Samantamukha.....more
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宋常杓篆書宋人詞 冊
parts.&*常杓〈南宋人,西元十三世紀初〉,生平待考。 本冊書於南宋理宗寶慶三年〈西元1227年〉。篆書是中國最古老的字體,從商代的甲骨文到秦朝的小篆,通行的期間長達一千餘年,由於年代、地域的.....more
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花卉畫冊 冊 明朱完竹柏
parts of the leaves were left unpainted in the “flying white” technique (fei-pai). This free.....more
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元人書全部法華經塔 軸
except for parts left blank at the base which form the characters for "the Lotus Sûtra St.....more
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明丁雲鵬畫莊嚴大士瑞像 軸
; no detail of the clothing pattern has been left out. Furthermore, the exposed parts of the body.....more
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清惲壽平寫生花卉 冊 枝上霜氣
, with parts of the background rendered in light shades of cyanine blue to suggest an evening scene.....more
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清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清王翬...
done in hemp-fiber texture strokes to suggest softness. The upper parts of the hills are slightly.....more
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清王原祁華山秋色 軸
-ch'i's use of heavy ink enabled him to unite all parts of the painting into a total image.....more
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清王原祁仿黃公望秋山 軸
green, and ochre washes for different parts of the mountains. Set off against the cinnabar red tree.....more
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