搜尋:form 在 水墨 分類當中


明商喜寫生 軸

明商喜寫生 軸

the form. At the edge of the work are a decorative rock with camellia blossoms and bamboo, and above.....more

明戴進長松五鹿 軸

明戴進長松五鹿 軸

are decorated with horizontal lines arranged in layers to create form and texture. The washes of ink.....more

明人畫普賢大士像 軸

明人畫普賢大士像 軸

. The figure here is in the form of a monk, a form that is more understandable to general audiences. Along.....more

明董其昌紀遊畫冊 冊 層巒聳秀

明董其昌紀遊畫冊 冊 層巒聳秀

of Lofty Elegant”) has a mountain form very similar to that in the middle section of “Dwelling.....more

唐吳道子寶積賓伽羅佛像 軸

唐吳道子寶積賓伽羅佛像 軸

generations of figure painters. He has been called the "painting saint for a bundred ages." This form.....more

清冷枚耕織圖 冊 持穗

清冷枚耕織圖 冊 持穗

of straw are arranged into piles to form haystacks. Above to the side is a squatting figure holding.....more

昇平樂事圖 冊 魁星

昇平樂事圖 冊 魁星

星踢斗題材,相傳魁星為主掌文運亨通之神。&*Young ladies hold a lantern in the form of a blue-faced figure with red hair.....more

清王翬畫山水 冊 倣黃公望富春大嶺圖意

清王翬畫山水 冊 倣黃公望富春...

a stream with village houses scattered in the hills, the form of the main mountain rounded with piled.....more

清人菩提葉羅漢 冊

清人菩提葉羅漢 冊

and do paintings. Each leaf here is done on a bodhi leaf and mounted in the form of an album.....more

唐人畫雪景 軸

唐人畫雪景 軸

dependent subject matter. However, by the T'ang period it had evolved into a mature and independent form.....more

宋黃庭堅書千文 卷

宋黃庭堅書千文 卷

Character Classic” in cursive script. However, this work in terms of character form and brushwork.....more

明曹有光孫杕畫冊 冊 蘭石圖

明曹有光孫杕畫冊 冊 蘭石圖

. The orchid’s buds and leaves form intricate patterns. The richly tinted blue and green style evident.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋李東寫生秋葵

宋元集繪 冊 宋李東寫生秋葵

at representing not only the form, but also the essence of an object. 本幅 24.2x26.9公分、對幅 24.2x26.9公分、全.....more

名人畫扇(丁) 冊 清范廷鎮暗香疏影

名人畫扇(丁) 冊 清范廷鎮暗...

clusters of blossoms. The painting expresses in pictorial form the spirit of Lin P’u’s poems, from which.....more

唐顏真卿書爭坐位帖墨拓本 冊

唐顏真卿書爭坐位帖墨拓本 冊

and character form reveal certainty in the lines.(20120104) 本幅 31.5x15.2公分、全幅 39.5x40公分 類型:墨拓、書法 型式:文字 顏真卿(Yan.....more

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form 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋