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共找到 276 筆符合的資料
明周之冕畫葡萄松鼠 軸
has been painted with the mo-ku, or “boneless”, technique in colors. This painting is full of life. 本.....more
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明唐寅松溪獨釣圖 軸
the ink and colors are thick, and the brush seems to have been moved fairly slowly. The treatment.....more
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清惲壽平寫生墨妙 冊 菊花
and pinkish colors compete to create as the brushwork suggests an aura of casualness and elegance. 本幅 27.....more
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紈扇畫冊 冊 元盛懋秋溪釣艇
. A foreground setting in colors along a river is set against a background of mountains. The artist has used.....more
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清王原祁仿王蒙山水 軸
landscape deep in clouds. The fluid handling of the brush possesses its own subtle rhythm. The colors.....more
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五代梁荊浩漁樂圖 軸
was spread mostly by brush. The work is rendered chiefly in dark ink that complements the light colors.....more
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清陳舒畫天中佳卉 軸
as the outline method filled with colors for rendering the different flowers to give a refined.....more
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清許良標芭蕉美人圖 軸
of the individual elements in the composition, the high quality of the bright colors, the emphasis.....more
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