故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁49&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十一冊,頁31-34&* 余省(西元十八世紀),江蘇常熟人。字曾三,號魯亭。父珣,弟樨俱善畫。乾隆年間,與唐岱、周鲲等人,供職內廷。善作山水、花鳥、蟲魚、蘭竹等。 雜卉野草,百蝶飛舞穿梭其間。傅色穠麗,點染細緻,更以枯筆繪出蝶翅鱗粉之狀,極精工之能事。 &* Yu Sheng, style name Ts’eng-san, sobriquet Lu-ing, was a native of Ch’ang-shu in Kiangsu province His father, Yu Hsun, and his younger brother, Yü Chih, were also talented painters. During the Ch’ien-lung reign (1736-1796) Yü Sheng served in the Imperial Painting Academy along with T’ang-tai, Chou K’un and others. He excelled in painting landscapes, birds-and-flowers, bamboo, orchids and insects-and-grasses. Numerous butterflies flutter among the grasses in this painting. The colors are rich and harmonious, and the dots are painted in a fine and delicate manner. In addition, the meticulously rendered patterns on the wings of the butterflies, which were painted with a so-called “dry-brush,” reflect the very considerable skill of the artist.