搜尋:age, spirit of the 在 水墨 分類當中


宋趙伯駒畫海神聽講圖 軸

宋趙伯駒畫海神聽講圖 軸

-legged on a rug, expounding scripture. Below is kneeling an ocean spirit wearing both sword and bow who.....more

宋四家法書 卷 宋蘇軾書次韻三舍人省上詩

宋四家法書 卷 宋蘇軾書次韻三...

chin-shih civil service degree in 1057 at the age of 21 and served as an official in such places.....more

名人書畫扇(壬) 冊 清顧見龍畫梅花鴝鵒

名人書畫扇(壬) 冊 清顧見龍...

at the age of 81. A Court Academy painter, he excelled in figure painting scenes, and also in the skill.....more

宋緙絲海屋添籌 軸

宋緙絲海屋添籌 軸

old men met and asked of each other’s age. One of them said, “Each time the ocean turns.....more

民國臺靜農臨石門摩崖 軸

民國臺靜農臨石門摩崖 軸

and is characterized by its rugged and free style. T’ai Ching-nung did this copy in his old age, when.....more

民國臺靜農臨漢簡 軸

民國臺靜農臨漢簡 軸

scroll format. The result is a heroic spirit that permeates the work. Even T’ai Ching-nung could.....more

清郎世寧萬壽長春 軸

清郎世寧萬壽長春 軸

was the Chinese name used by Giuseppe Castiglione, a native of Milan, Italy. At the age of 19, he entered.....more

清吳昌碩芍藥 軸

清吳昌碩芍藥 軸

province, became a civil service candidate at the age of 21 but did not pursue office. Rather, he.....more

五代後蜀黃筌竹林鵓鴿圖 軸

五代後蜀黃筌竹林鵓鴿圖 軸

Ch'eng-tu in Szechwan. At age 16, he was appointed to serve in the Academy of Painting in Szechwan.....more

清郎世寧畫錦春圖 軸

清郎世寧畫錦春圖 軸

47-48&*Lang Shih-ning is the Chinese name used by the Italian, Giuseppe Castiglione. At age of 19.....more

明沈周寫生 冊 荷花與蹲蛙

明沈周寫生 冊 荷花與蹲蛙

at the age of 67. Spirit and brushwork are both unrestrained here. Broad strokes define the lotus leaves.....more

明王紱墨筆山水 軸

明王紱墨筆山水 軸

. Afterwards he returned to his hometown and settled in Mt. Chiu Lung. At the age of forty-two, he.....more

明唐寅採蓮圖 卷

明唐寅採蓮圖 卷

at calligraphy, painting, poetry, and writing. By nature, he was a free and unrestrained spirit. A famous.....more

明王寵千字文 卷

明王寵千字文 卷

basing his style on those of Wang Hsi-chih and Yu Shih-nan. Although he passed away at the age of 39, he.....more

明文徵明琴鶴圖清高宗御題 軸

明文徵明琴鶴圖清高宗御題 軸

was Heng-shan chü-shih. He was the most influential leading master of the Wu school. At the age.....more

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age, spirit of the 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋