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共找到 89 筆符合的資料
清錢維城棲霞全圖 軸
the landscape styles of Wang Meng and Wang Yüan-ch’i and learned from Tung Pang-ta, becoming a leading.....more
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清周鯤繪高宗御書范成大祭?詞 ...
for service as a court painter under the Ch’ien-lung Emperor. This painting illustrates Fan Ch’eng-ta’s.....more
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宋趙大亨蓬萊仙會 軸
,燦然俱備。石上有趙大亨三字款,疑係後加,依畫風當為明代。元代以後,慶壽劇流行,以西王母有蟠桃之壽,眾仙來祝,其中八仙尤不可缺,本幅即是。&*Chao Ta-heng was the servant.....more
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清董邦達居庸疊翠圖 軸
聳立,翠嶂重疊,有「居庸疊翠」之名,是燕京八景之一。山中有長達二十公里的溪谷,稱「關溝」。此圖俯瞰全景,由南至北,標示著名景觀七處,峰嶺溪石充塞畫面,十分壯觀。 &* Tung Pang-ta.....more
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民國林建同梅花四屏 軸
was also a student of the modern master Chang Ta-ch’ien. In this painting, the main branch of a plum.....more
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明孫枝畫杜甫詩意 軸
style name was Shu-ta, his sobriquet Hua-lin chü-shih. He excelled at landscape painting.....more
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元人雜書 卷 虞集書翰
of Jen-shou, Szechwan, and a fifth generation descendent of Yu Yun-wen. In the beginning of the Ta-te era.....more
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宋劉松年唐五學士圖 軸
'ung Ying-ta, Li Hsü-tao, Fang Hsüan-ling, and Su Hsü at a literary gathering.....more
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清董邦達仙廬澄霽 軸
法元人,間學王原祁,作品以筆墨清麗取勝。本幅純用濕筆乾皴,當不失秀潤之致,足見畫技高人一等。&*Tung Pang-ta, who was born in 1699 and died in 1769.....more
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清董邦達畫谿山深雪圖 軸
墨染背景,留白成巨巖,而以細筆乾皴規律地分割紋理;刻畫枯枝草叢,細膩一如網脈。通幅表現靜態的裝飾美。 &* Tung Pang-ta (tzu Fu-ts’un, hao Tung-shan.....more
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’ien-lung period (1736-1795). This work illustrates the poem by Fan Ch’eng-ta of the Sung dynasty.....more
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