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共找到 118 筆符合的資料
清鄒一桂畫藤花芍藥 軸
色雅艷。此畫紫藤芍藥,精工妍麗,不失本家面目。 &* Tsou I-Kuei (style name Yüan-pao and sobriquets Hsiao-shan, Jang-ch.....more
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鳥譜(四) 冊 藍靛頦
-and-white Flycatchers Anonymous Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) These two blue-and-white flycatchers perched.....more
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五代後蜀黃筌竹梅寒雀圖 軸
dipped in white powder to dab small white specks onto the branches to signify snow.....more
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明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...
of the 25 Great Ones from the Śūrańgama Sūtra, ” Here, Kuan-yin wears a white cloth on her head and wears.....more
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宋李唐畫四時山水 冊 江舟釣雪
幅圖繪遠山積雪、雪棧茅舍,一孤舟悠行於江深水寒中。通幅以淡墨暈染,江天一色。屋後不凋的林葉,用筆精整,敷色雅淡,雖為冬林寒色景,卻在蒼茫中煥發生機,一派清新可愛。&* Li T’ang (style.....more
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明錢穀畫南城看雪 軸
明畫法,人騎瑟縮,另有朱衣人倚籬觀雪,水天黯黑,白雪遍積山谷,凜凜然有寒意。 &*Ch’ien Ku (style name Shu-pao, self-given sobriquet Ch’ing.....more
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明文臺香象皈依圖 軸
軀拉長,巨石造形怪異,菩薩衣紋和白象的皮褶又似平行的線條表現,頗具變形之趣。全作筆墨高古,富於變化。 &* Wen T’ai (style name Yün-ch’eng.....more
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五代南唐巨然松巖蕭寺 卷
of K'ai-feng. Chü-jan was a skilled landscapist who took the style of his elder contemporary Tung.....more
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宋人倣張僧繇山水 軸
as "boneless" (wash) landscapes. His style was frequently emulated by later artists. Lou Kuan commented.....more
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明沈周寫生 冊 白鴿
, style name Ch’i-nan, sobriquets Shih-t’ien and Pai-shih-weng, was a native of Ch’ang-chou, Kiangsu.....more
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明董其昌倣張僧繇白雲紅樹 卷
. Style name Hsüan-tsai, sobriquet Ssu-pai, he became a Metropolitan Graduate (chin-shih) in 15.....more
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明董其昌仿歐陽詢千文 冊
藏經」朱印,界以方格,然書家不為所限,時有出格連筆之作。全作用筆精熟,頓挫使轉得宜,線條圓轉流暢,不失為草書佳作。&*Dong Qichang (style name Xuanzai.....more
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