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共找到 69 筆符合的資料
明趙汝殷風林群虎圖 卷
亦深,並不僅止於專工畫虎。幅末段,有一虎造型與院藏「元人畫虎」極似,很可能兩畫均出自同一稿本。據款署「正統辛酉」推算,本作應成於正統六年(一四四一)。 &* Chao Ju-yin.....more
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唐閻立本十八學士于志寧書讚 卷
, including Tu Ju-hui, Fang Hsüan-ling and Yü Chih-ning. Yen Li-pen was ordered to paint.....more
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集古圖繪 冊 明唐寅秋山
(style names Tzu-wei and Po-hu, sobriquet Liu-ju) was a native of Soochow. He was extremely talented.....more
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清弘?畫千林瑞雪 軸
-chai, Tsui-yü; hao I-ju chü-shih, Ya-hua tao-jen) was a member of the Manchu Imperial clan.....more
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清弘?畫萬壑祥雲 軸
、王原祁祖孫的影響。不過,他用筆純是中鋒,線條粗重繁密,加上結構森嚴,特別能够表現山領的渾厚峻拔的氣勢。&* Hung Wu (tzu Shu-chai, Tsui-yü; hao I-ju.....more
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清弘?墨筆叢岩疊翠 軸
;, and sobriquets I-ju chü-shih and Yao-hua tao-jen) was a member of the Ch’img Manchu imperial clan.....more
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明人摹西園雅集圖 軸
, Ji Min, Zheng Ju, Liu Zhen, Lu Zhen, Zhang Hun, Di Jianmo, and Lu Zhen, who all traveled to Bai’s.....more
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明人便面畫冊(三) 冊 明陳遵...
in Soochow. His style name was Ju-hsün. His bird-and-flower paintings are imbued with life, and his.....more
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清陳字文房集錦 冊 戲嬰圖
Playing with a Puppet Ch’en Tzu (1634-after 1713) Ch’ing Dynasty Ch’en Tzu (original name Ju-chen.....more
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明唐寅層巖策杖圖 軸
-1523) Ming Dynasty T’ang Yin (style names Tzu-wei and Po-hu; sobriquet Liu-ju) was a native of Wu.....more
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宋人法書(三) 冊 宋朱敦儒書...
書寫,而縱橫揮灑之氣勢大有草書意。 本幅選自「宋人法書冊三」第十四幅。&*Chu Tun-ju (style name His-chen; sobriquet Yen-ho.....more
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