搜尋:leaf 在 國畫 分類當中


歷代集繪 冊 無款桃花 

歷代集繪 冊 無款桃花 

quality. This album leaf is number eight in the National Palace Museum's "Album Leaves Through.....more

披薰集古 冊 明文徵明山水

披薰集古 冊 明文徵明山水

. This painting is the eleventh leaf in the album P'i-hsün ch'i-ku.   文徵明(西元一四七○-一五五九年),江蘇長洲人。初名.....more

宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁

宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁

it to Chu Jui. It is similar in style to the fifth leaf in the album An-t'ung ts'e by chu Tz'u-chung.....more

宋元名繪 冊 宋人溪陰浴牧

宋元名繪 冊 宋人溪陰浴牧

of refinement and variation. This is the first leaf in the album Sung Yüan ming-hui. Although it has.....more

清焦秉貞畫仕女圖 冊 蓮舟晚泊

清焦秉貞畫仕女圖 冊 蓮舟晚泊

by an airy awning of willow branches. This academy painting, the third leaf in Chiao’s album.....more

名繪集珍 冊 無款荷亭銷夏

名繪集珍 冊 無款荷亭銷夏

and leisurely while away the day. This is the fifth leaf from the album Ming-hui chi-chen.....more

歷代名繪 冊 射妖圖

歷代名繪 冊 射妖圖

生出富曲射撩喬鬼於松枝稠密處的情節。細審「射妖圖」中,舉凡山石之皴紋、衣紋之轉折,均近乎明代浙派流風,推測本幅當係戴進(一三八八—一四六二)後學者所作。 The first leaf from.....more

宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁

宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁

it to Chu Jui. It is similar in style to the fifth leaf in the album An-t'ung ts'e by chu Tz'u-chung.....more

名繪集珍 冊  宋劉松年天女獻花

名繪集珍 冊  宋劉松年天女獻...

-tsung (r. 1163-1189). This is the 12th leaf from the album “Collected Gems of Famous paintings.....more

宋燕文貴奇峰萬木 冊頁

宋燕文貴奇峰萬木 冊頁

in this album leaf. "Strange Peaks and Myriad Trees" is a leaf in the album Sung-jen ho-pi hua, where.....more

歷代名繪 冊 明邊文進梅花幽鳥

歷代名繪 冊 明邊文進梅花幽鳥

. The seal on this round fan, which has been mounted as an album leaf, bears the two slightly smudged.....more

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leaf 在 國畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋