林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁51、176&*方洺(一八八二-?),桐城人,民初畫家,於一九三十年前後活動於台灣,對於國畫的提倡,頗具貢獻。 本幅以墨色暈染,藉寒鴉、枯木、流泉、皎月與清奇冷雋的氛圍,烘托出「古木寒鴉」的主題。畫幅左上方題有「乙酉年(一九四五)七月桐城方洺寫於津沽」,應屬成熟時期的作品。 本幅為林宗毅先生捐贈。 &*Withered Trees and Wintry Crows Fang Ming (1882-?) Republican Period Fang Ming, a native of T’ung-ch’eng, was a painter of the early Republican period active in Taiwan around 1930. He made a major contribution in his advocacy of Chinese-style painting. This work, donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Lin Tsung-i, was done in shades of ink to depict the pure and elegantly chilly atmosphere of crows in cold and withered trees, a flowing stream, and a bright moon, thereby highlighting the theme of “crows and barren trees in winter”. The signed inscription in the upper left reads, “Painted by Fang Ming of T’ung-ch’eng in Chin-ku in the seventh lunar month of the i-yu year (1945).” The date indicates that this is a work from Fang’s mature period.