林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁35、172&*周凱,活動於十九世紀前半,字仲禮,號芸皋,浙江富陽人。嘉慶十六年(一八一一)進士,道光十二(一八三二)年、十六年(一八三六)兩度任職台灣道,並推介呂世宜來台傳藝。本幅設色山水,成於道光七年(一八二七)。畫幅所見房舍、山水、樹石分佈有緻,構圖工穩,筆墨清淳,渾雅蒼秀,有元、明文人畫風的法度,尤近四王一系中的王原祁。 本幅為林宗毅先生捐贈。 &*Studies by Lamplight Chou K’ai (fl ca. first half of 19th c.) Ch’ing Dynasty Chou K’ai (style name Chung-li, sobriquet Yün-kao) was a native of Fu-yang in Chekiang. He became a Presented Scholar in 1811 and served twice as an official in Taiwan, in 1832 and 1836. He also recommended Lü Shih-i to come to Taiwan and teach art. This landscape with colors was done in 1827. The buildings, landscape elements, rocks and trees are elegantly arranged in a steady composition. The brushwork is also pure and refined, much in the manner of literati painting from the Yüan and Ming dynasties, especially Wang Yüan-ch’i (1642-1715) of the “Four Wangs” in the Ch’ing dynasty. This work was donated by Mr. Lin Tsung-i to the National Palace Museum.