戴本孝(一六二一-一六九三年)號鷹阿山樵,安徽人,其父戴重為抗清士人。本孝中年後始以畫名,作風似新安派名畫家弘仁,講究樹石造型,但筆墨水分較多。山石質面多隱藏輪廓線條,藉以皴擦而成。本作款題書風略微方折,紀年一六九○年。畫幅對開為胡壁城、黃節等民國文人所題。此曾為十九世紀紅豆樹館主人陶梁所收藏,後為胡壁城收藏,再轉入羅氏家族。此為羅家倫家族捐贈。&*Landscapes Tai Pen-hsiao (1621-1693) Ch’ing Dynasty The father of Tai Pen-hsiao, a native of Anhwei, was a Ming loyalist. Tai was a refugee in Kiangnan and gradually achieved fame in his middle years in painting, his style similar to that of the renowned Anhwei School painter Hung-jen, focusing on the forms of rocks and trees but with more watery ink. Tai’s description of earthen forms often conceals outlines and is composed of texture strokes instead. The calligraphy in his signature here is slightly angular, correlating roughly to 1690. This album, once in the collection of T’ao Liang (1772-1857), was later owned by Hu Pi-ch’eng and then by the Lo Chia-lun family, who donated it to the Museum. The frontispiece includes writing by such Republican litterateurs as Hu Pi-ch’eng and Huang Chieh. &*1.何碧琪,〈耐人尋味 — 戴本孝〈山水冊〉請之所寄〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第264期(2005年3月),頁32-43。