吳穀祥(西元一八四八-一九○三年),浙江嘉興人。字秋農,號秋圃老農。工山水,初習文、沈,近法戴熙;早年作品較工整秀逸,中歲以後風格漸趨蒼潤渾穆,小品尤佳。晚年寓居上海賣畫,聲名亦盛。本幅刻畫太湖日暮之景,粼粼水紋,以細筆勾勒,雖賦彩清雅,仍能道盡湖水滉漾的忠實印象。天際紅日將落,晚霞蔽空,與湖光交相輝映,於傳統之格局中,別饒新意。本幅為黃安霞小姐捐贈。&* Wu Ku-hsiang, a native of Chekiang, was skilled at painting landscapes. His early works were detailed and beautiful, and, in his middle years, his style became more mature. Wu’s small-scale works were especially outstanding. In his later years, Wu sold paintings in Shanghai, achieving fame there. The clear decorative ripples of the water have been drawn with thin brushstrokes in this scene of a sunset at Lake T’ai. Though the colors are light and elegant, one can still sense the turbid, rippling lake water. A red sun is about to set on the horizon as a glow spreads over the sky. The glow above and the glittering light on the lake complement each other for a rosy effect. This work, which innovates within tradition, was donated by Ms. Huang An-hsia. &*1.劉芳如,〈清吳榖祥具區湧金〉,收入劉芳如主編,《十九世紀末期中西畫風的感通之二--國立故宮博物院所藏同時期名家作品展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1993年初版),頁106。 2.劉芳如,〈近代繪畫在中國 — 「十九世紀末期中西畫風的感通」展出前言〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第119期(1993年2月),頁21。 &* 吳穀祥(1848-1903),浙江嘉興人。字秋農,號秋圃老農。工山水,初習文徵明、沈周,近法戴熙。早年作品較工整秀逸,中歲以後風格漸趨蒼潤渾穆,小品尤佳。晚年寓居上海賣畫,聲名頗盛。 本幅畫太湖日出景緻,波光粼粼,以細筆勾勒水紋,雖然用色清雅,仍忠實展現湖水滉漾的情景。天際紅日將落,紅霞耀空,與湖光交相輝映,不局限於傳統格局,別具新意。 黃安霞小姐捐贈於民國82年。 (20120106)&* Wu Guxiang (style name Qiunong, sobriquet Qiupu laonong), a native of Jiaxing in Zhejiang, excelled at landscapes and early studied the styles of Wen Zhengming and Shen Zhou as well as Dai Xi closer to his own day. His early works tend to be neater and more elegant, while the style from his middle years and later became increasingly rich and effusive, his intimate works being especially excellent. In later years he resided in Shanghai and sold his paintings, achieving considerable renown. This painting depicts a sunrise scene over Lake Tai. The waves glimmer and are outlined with fine brushwork. Despite the pure elegance of the coloring, it is still faithful to the rippling scenery of lake waters. With the rising sun’s golden red in the sky and its colors filling the sky and reflecting brilliantly on the lake, it creates a scene that breaks down boundaries of tradition with fresh and innovative ideas. Ms. Huang An-hsia donated this painting to the National Palace Museum in 1993. (20120106)