蔣嵩(約十五、十六世紀),號三松,金陵人。善畫山水、人物,畫宗吳偉,為明代浙派名家之一。喜用焦墨枯筆,最入時人之眼。時與鄭顚仙、張復、鍾欽禮、張路等人交遊,皆因縱筆豪放,致被吳派譏為「狂態邪學」。此幅繪秋影清澹,秋水無痕,漁翁肩荷釣竿歸去。浙派畫家用墨,水分特多,此幅亦具是項特徵。本幅為黃君璧先生捐贈。 &* Chiang Sung was a native of Nanking who excelled at landscapes and figures, modeling his style after Wu Wei. A leading Che School painter, he often worked with scorched ink that gave his style an immediate appeal. He associated with other artists known for their untrammeled brushwork, which was labeled as “heretic” by more conservative Wu School painters. In this peaceful autumn scene, the waters on the lake are placid as a fisherman shoulders his gear and walks home along a path in the lower right corner. Che School artists often used very wet washes of ink, and this painting reflects this feature very well. This painting was donated to the Museum by Mr. Huang Chün-pi. &*1.〈明蔣嵩歸漁圖〉,收入陳階晉、賴毓芝主編,《追索浙派》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版一刷),頁186-187。 &*黃君璧先生捐贈文物特展目錄,頁17-18、46