吳湖帆(西元一八九四-一九六八年),江蘇吳縣人。名萬,號倩庵,又號醜簃,齋名梅景書屋。工書,善畫,淵源家學,早年即蜚聲藝苑,學董其昌,得其神髓。亦善填詞,收藏宏富,更精鑒別,所蓄元明劇跡,不下數百幅。此幅成於己巳年(一九二九),為吳氏三十六歲之作。畫中湖石造型古雅別致,以淡墨染出立體效果,未乾時濃墨點苔畫草,使草石渾然一體。石後枯竹新篁並見,用筆清勁挺秀,深具瀟灑清翠之韻致。 本幅為朱銘源先生捐贈。 &*Bamboo and Rock Wu Hu-fan (1894-1968) Republican Period Wu Hu-fan (personal name won, and sobriquets Ch’ing-an and Ch’ou-i) was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. The name of his studio was the Plum Blossom Villa. He was an accomplished calligrapher and painter, especially the latter. Schooled at home, his early interest in the arts was stimulated by the older generations in his family. He followed in the style of Tung Ch’i-ch’ang (1555-1636) and was also good at poetry. Over the years, he amassed a large collection of art and became a renowned connoisseur. He wrote numerous inscriptions on the works, numbering several hundred. In this painting done in 1929 when Wu was 35-years-old, a lake rock has been depicted with washes of light ink to give the effect of both archaic elegance and three-dimensionality. Before the ink had dried, dark dots were dabbed to indicate plants and moss on the rock, producing a unified effect. Behind the rock stands a stalk of old bamboo and a fresh new shoot. The use of brush is strong yet crisp and elegant, producing a harmonious balance between the two. This scroll was donated to the Museum by Mr. Chu Ming-yüan.