洪亮吉(一七四六~一八O九),字稚存,號北江,江蘇常州人。乾隆五十五年進士,歷任翰林院編修、貴州學政等職。洪氏因直言上疏,獲罪遠戍,赦歸之後於書院講學,所著《春秋左傳詁》可以略窺其在經學方面的造詣。本幅書聯:「從來名士皆耽酒,未有神僊不讀書」,筆筆神閒氣定,字字體勢勻淨,予人的觀感正如所鈐引首印:「心正則筆正」。本幅為黃莉容、黃文如女士捐贈。(20120409)&* Hong Liangji (style name Zhicun, sobriquet Beijiang), a native of Changzhou in Jiangsu, was a Presented Scholar of 1790 who became Compiler in the Hanlin Academy and Director of Education in Guizhou. Due to his outspoken character, Hong was banished far away, but after being pardoned turned to lecturing. His Commentary on Master Zuo’s Spring and Autumn Annals provides a glimpse at his achievements in the Classics. This couplet, mentioning how scholars never tire of their studies, features spirited yet stable brushwork, the force of each character forceful and giving an impression like the seal at the beginning: “An upright heart makes for an upright brush.” This work was donated to the Museum by Mmes. Huang Li-jung and Huang Wen-ju.(20120409)