臺靜農先生遺贈書畫展覽,頁80-81、129&*臺靜農(西元一九O二—一九九O年),安徽霍邱人。字伯簡,晚號靜者。為當代著名文史學者、書法家,歷任國內各大學中文系教授。臺先生自述本件:「適有港友贈以丈二宣紙,如此巨幅,從未寫過,實怯於下筆。轉思此紙既歸我有,與其久藏污損,不如豁出去罷。於是奮筆濡墨,居然揮灑自如,所幸爾時門鈴未響,電話無聲。不然,那就洩氣了。這幅字帶給我的喜悅,不是字的本身,而是年過八十,腕力還能用,陸放翁云:『老子尚堪絕大漠』,不妨以之解嘲。」本件為臺靜農先生遺贈。&* T’ai Ching-nung (style name Po-chien and late sobriquet Ching-che) was a native of Huo-ch’iu, Anhwei province. He was an important scholar of literature and history in Taiwan as well as a gifted calligrapher. He served as professor in the Chinese departments at numerous universities in the mainland and Taiwan. T’ai Ching-nung once wrote of this work; A friend once gave me a long piece of high-quality Hsüan-paper, which explains the size of this work. However, I had never attempted a work on such a large scale, so I did not know where to begin first. I thought for a while about how this paper had come into my possession, so I could not bear to cut it into pieces. I thus grabbed my brush with excitement and used ink liberally, orchestrating this work with natural abandon. I worked with such concentration that I did not even hear the doorbell or telephone ring: If I had answered them, I would never have had the energy to finish this work. The joy that this piece of calligraphy gives me lies not in the characters themselves, but in my having the energy and flexibility of wrist to do it at more than eighty years of age. This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. T’ai Ching-nung.