臺靜農先生遺贈書畫展覽,頁73、126-127&*倪元璐(1593-1644),字汝玉,號鴻寶,又號園客,浙江上虞人。天啟二年進士,官戶禮部尚書。倪氏性情直行不阿,為世所重,崇禎十七年(1644)明亡,遂以身殉國。 倪氏書法靈秀神妙,行草尤極超逸。據附紙羅家倫先生題識,此軸為鉤摹本,但臺靜農先生卻以為鉤摹自真跡,當有一定參考價值,後由羅家倫贈予臺靜農。臺靜農書法得力於倪元璐最深,此軸雖為鉤摹,筆法較缺少變化,但仍有倪氏行草中體勢欹側且蒼勁的美感。 臺靜農先生舊藏,臺益堅先生捐贈於民國79年。 釋文:南窗不作裹足臥。出門萬里隨所之。寶書長劍豈無意。白日高歌應自奇。揚子草玄遭客罵。杜陵痛飲真吾師。百年業事不須問。隨地看山笻一枝。把酒漫成。元璐。 (20110204)&* Ni Yuanlu, a native of Shangyu, Zhejiang, was a Presented Scholar (jinshi) civil service degree holder of 1622. He advanced to the post of Minister of Revenue and of Rites. Upright by character, he was loyal to the end; with the fall of the Ming dynasty in 1644, he committed suicide for his court. Ni’s calligraphy is known for its spirit and elegance, his semi-cursive especially free and natural. According to the inscription by Lo Chia-lun added to the scroll, this work is an outline copy. However, Tai Chin-nung believed that as an outline copy of an authentic work, it was still of certain value, which is why Lo later presented it to Tai as a gift. In fact, the strength of Tai Chin-nung’s calligraphy derives mostly from that of Ni Yuanlu. Although this scroll is an outline copy, and the brushwork has relatively few variations, it still has the force and slant of Ni’s semi-cursive script as well as mature power and a sense of beauty. From the former collection of Mr. Tai Chin-nung, this work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Tai I-chien in 1990. (20110204)