張蒼水(一六二○〜一六六四),名煌言,字玄箸,號蒼水,浙江鄞縣人,崇禎壬午(一六四二)舉人。以舉人奉表迎魯王監國,並從監國駐海外舟山。一六六二年魯王薨,一六六四年煌言遁居懸嶴,為清兵所襲,被執不降而死。今有《張蒼水集》行世,内收《冰槎集》、《奇零草》、《北征錄》等詩文。 本冊為張煌言遺墨詩及〈冰槎集引〉,詩多流露忠義悲憤之情。遺墨詩之後則有友人揮淚寫及,張煌言被羈杭州時致贈此稿。 張水娟女士捐贈於民國七十八年。 (20120106)&* Zhang Cangshui (name Huangyan, style name Xuanzhu, sobriquet Cangshui), a native of Yinxian in Zhejiang, was a Provincial Graduate (juren) of 1642. As a Provincial Graduate, he memorialized to Prince Lu, regent of the faltering Ming dynasty and with whom he fled to the Zhoushan archipelago. Upon the death of Prince Lu in 1662, he fled again and when attacked by Qing dynasty troops, refused to surrender and was executed. His Anthology of Zhang Cangshui survives and contains such texts as Bingzha Anthology, Jiling Grass, and Record of the Journey North. This album features an ink version of Zhang Cangshui’s poetry done before his death and a citation from Bingzha Anthology, the poetry revealing much of his loyalty and grief. After the poetry writing by friends in tears, Zhang presented this manuscript while confined in Hangzhou. Ms. Chang Shui-chüan donated this work to the National Palace Museum in 1989. (20120106)