王新衡先生遺贈書畫展目錄,頁29、49&* 戴傳賢(一八九一~一九四九),字季陶,祖籍浙江吳興,生於四川廣漢,遂為四川人。早年留學日本,加入 國父領導的革命團隊,共同為創建民國而努力。戴氏對中山先生的思想體認深刻,加以系統地組織闡揚,使成為一個哲學體系。其揭示「歷史以民生為中心、民生以仁愛為基礎」,迄今猶為治國的張本。中年以後,喜好參究佛理,此軸書錄白居易詩,當為中年所作。本幅為王新衡先生捐贈。(20110407)&* The ancestors of Dai Chuanxian (style name Jitao) originally came from Wuxing, Zhejiang, but he was born in Guanghan, Sichuan, becoming a Sichuan native. In early years he studied in Japan and joined the revolutionary group headed by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, together striving to found the Republic. Dai was quite moved by Dr. Sun’s ideas, which he systematically arranged and expounded to form a school of thought. His promulgation that “People’s livelihood is at the center of history, and humanity is the foundation of people’s livelihood” became a blueprint for governing the country. In his middle years, Dai also enjoyed studying Buddhism. This scroll transcribing poetry by Bai Juyi, donated by Mr. Wang Hsin-heng, is from Dai’s middle years.(20110407)