蔡辰男先生捐贈書畫目錄,頁13、118 &*俞樾(西元一八二一-一九0六年),浙江德清人。字蔭甫,號曲園居士。道光三十年(一八五0年)進士,官編修。博學工詩文,著有《俞氏叢書》。精通書法,以篆書和隸書的筆法來寫楷書,別具一格。 此幅書蹟以中鋒寫成,結體端莊,法度謹嚴,波磔分明,線條起伏富有節奏感,在穩健的書風中,展現秀逸風韻。本幅為蔡辰男先生捐贈。 (20110913)&*Yu Yue (style name Yunfu, sobriquet Quyuan), a native of Deqing in Zhejiang, received his Presented Scholar civil service degree in 1847 and became a Compiler. In 1855 he assumed the post of Education Commissioner of Hunan. Two years later, however, he was removed from office and took up writing and teaching, becoming a great scholar and instructor. Yu excelled in calligraphy, particularly seal and clerical script, which he said he usually used when writing letters. The work here is a partial copy of the Eastern Han “Cao Quan Stele.” Yu has captured the original beauty of the stele’s elegant characters, but his brushwork appears calm, steady, and forceful--imbued with a simpler, heavier feel compared to the original. This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Ts’ai Ch’en-nan. (20110913)