譚伯羽譚季甫先生昆仲捐贈文物特展圖錄,頁55、179、303 &*張惠言(一七六一∼一八O二),字皋文,世人尊稱茗柯先生,江蘇武進人。早年學習詩賦古文詞,後專心致力經學,繼惠棟(一六九七-一七五八)之後,探索周易的內涵,所著《周易虞氏消息》代表其在易學方面的成就。在書法的領域裡,張氏同時以篆書見長,此幅書聯:「上古下今所思不遠,誦經繹史其樂在斯」,寫來細勁如鐵線,古意十足。本幅為譚伯羽、譚季甫先生昆仲捐贈。(20120409)&*Contemporaries of Zhang Huiyan (style name Gaowen) respectfully called him “Mr. Mingke.” A native of Wujin in Jiangsu, in his early years he studied archaic poetry and other forms of verse, later turning to delve in the study of the Classics. Following Hui Dong (1697-1758), he traced the contents of the Book of Changes, achieving renown in this classic with his representative work, Yu’s Ebb and Flow in the Book of Changes. In calligraphy, Zhang also excelled at seal script. This couplet, which mentions finding joy in unraveling history via the Classics to connect the present with the past, has fine sharp strokes like iron wires a strong and archaic effect. This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Messrs. Tann Boyu and Tann Jifu.(20120409)&*張恵言(1761-1802)、字は皋文、茗柯先生と尊称された。江蘇武進の人。早年は詩賦や古典詞を学んでいたが後に経学に専心し、恵棟(1697-1758)の研究を引き継いで、周易に関する研究を行った。その著作である『周易虞氏消息』は易学分野における張恵言の研究成果を代表するものである。書法では篆書に優れていた。本作の聯「上古下今所思不遠、誦経繹史其楽在斯」に見られる、鉄線のごとく繊細かつ力強い線は古意に満ちている。譚伯羽氏、譚季甫氏寄贈。(20120409)