譚伯羽譚季甫先生昆仲捐贈文物目錄,頁178、300-302&*錢灃(一七四O-一七九五)籍貫雲南昆明,乾隆年間考中進士以後,開始仕宦生涯。他為人端正,工作負責認真,在擔任監察御史的時候,不畏懼和珅權大勢大,上疏直言和珅的過失,因此深受人民敬愛。後來他又任職軍機處,卻因為工作勞累過度,一病不起。 錢灃寫得一手好顏字,不但筆力厚實,那股端莊穩重的氣度,讓人有見字如見人的感覺。錢灃一直以工作為重,他喜歡書法,但是並不期許自成一家。當時他的書法已經得到書如其人的好評,許多想學顏字的人,就從學錢灃的字入手。如此一來,顏真卿的書法經由錢灃流傳開來,更見普及。 &*Ch'ien Feng, a native of Yunnan province, was a chin-shih civil service candidate of 1771. He went on to serve as Investigating Censor. A dedicated and straightforward official, he did not fear to speak his mind and was therefore admired by many. Also serving in the Council of State, he fell ill from exhaustion and passed away. In calligraphy, Ch'ien Feng was famous for his study of the Yen Chen-ch'ing (709-785) style. Ch'ien's characters in standard script were even and his brushwork strong and solid, and he was able to achieve the aura of stability and solidity that marks Yen's style. Indeed, Ch'ien's straightforward manner in calligraphy is a reflection of his character. Focusing on his career as an official and doing calligraphy as a pastime, he did not establish a style of his own. Nonetheless, his style was admired by many. Calligraphers wishing to study the Yen Chen-ch'ing style often started with that of Ch'ien Feng. This has helped to perpetuate and spread the styles of both Yen and Ch'ien.