譚伯羽譚季甫先生昆仲捐贈文物目錄,頁236、436&*秦朝為統一全國量制,由官府頒發標準量器,以戰國時期秦國量制為標準。秦量外壁大多帶有秦始皇二十六年(西元前二二一年)的統一度量衡詔書,或加刻二世詔書。此量扁橢圓形,一端有柄,外壁刻有秦始皇二十六年詔書四十字。秦量文字與小篆的平正婉轉不同,易圓為方,筆畫勁挺遒勁,瘦硬樸拙,字體大小錯落,結體偃仰相映,隨勢生姿,恣意而富奇趣。此拓為譚伯羽、譚季甫先生昆仲捐贈。(20120104)&* The Qin dynasty, after unifying China, set about standardizing units across the land, issuing measures using its norms previously from the Warring States. The outsides of most Qin measures are inscribed with the imperial edict for standards issued in 221 BCE or a subsequent one. The measure for this rubbing (donated by Messrs. Tann Boyu and Tann Jifu) is flat and oval in shape with a handle on one side and engraved outside with 40 characters of the 221 edict. Qin measure characters differ from the straight, even winding of small seal script, being rounded yet angular. The strokes are strong, upright and powerful with a thin hardness simple and awkward. Character size varies and forms lean with momentum, making for rich and unusual forms. (20120104)