林宗毅先生捐贈書畫目錄,頁70、127-128 &* 任預(西元一八五三-一九0一年),浙江蕭山人,字立凡,任熊子。少時懶嬉不肯學畫,熊以為恨,及雄歿,遺稿盡為倪田所得,立凡轉自別家借臨,然亦不肯竟學。其畫純以天分秀出塵表。 秋日山居,楓葉已紅,而青山猶見,學元人,渾厚之氣息頗能掌握。任預畫已變其任家家派,如本幅即與其家傳畫法相去已遠。 本幅為林宗毅先生捐贈。 &* Jen Yü (style name Li-fan) was a native of Hsiao-shan, Chekiang and the son of Jen Hsiung. Somewhat indolent as a youth, Jen Yü refused to study painting from his father, who became angered with him. When Jen Hsiung died, all of his works were left to the painter Ni T’ien (1855-1919). Jen Yü’s paintings therefore emerged purely from his natural talents and not from his father’s teaching. Jen has grasped a fluid breath in depicting a mountain dwelling, red maple leaves, a blue mountain, and figures under an autumn sun. The manner of this work demonstrates how Jen distanced himself from and altered the style of his family’s tradition. This painting was donated to the Museum by Mr. Lin Tsung-yi.