蕭俊賢(1865-1949),字厔泉,初名稚泉,號鐵夫,又號矢和逸人,齋名淨念樓,湖南衡陽人。工寫山水,初從嶽麓僧蒼崖及沈詠蓀習畫,從四王入手,後集宋、元諸家之長而自成一家,在清末民初畫壇享有聲望。所作淺絳為多,水墨次之,亦工青綠。 本幅青綠設色,筆墨渾厚,有秀逸之氣。近景坡石茅舍,松樹挺立,林木茂盛。後方群山叢樹層疊,綿延天際,飛瀑落入烟嵐中。畫風延續清代正統派傳統,購於民國74年。 (20120106)&* Xiao Junxian (style name Zhiquan, early name Zhiquan, sobriquets Tiefu and Shihe yiren, studio name Jingjianlou), a native of Hengyang in Hunan, excelled at landscape painting, early studying under the Yuelu monk Cangyai and Shen Yongsun. Starting with the styles of the Four Wangs, he later studied the virtues of Song and Yuan masters to form a style of his own, becoming renowned in late Qing and early Republican painting circles. He often worked in light crimson colors, followed by monochrome ink, and also excelled at the use of blue and green pigments. This blue-and-green landscape features a rich use of brush and ink to achieve an elegant and spirited effect. In the foreground is a thatched building with tall pines set amidst lush vegetation. The clusters of mountains and forests in the back are piled layer upon layer, extending all the way to the sky. A cascade in the upper right falls into the misty void. The style follows in the tradition of the Orthodox School of the Qing dynasty. This painting was purchased by the National Palace Museum in 1985. (20120106)