故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁168&* 中嶽嵩山又名「嵩高山」,在今河南省登封縣北,主峰高聳,以東稱為太室,以西稱為少室,因山下有石室而得名。目前所存太室石闕、少室石闕,均為漢代留存的歷史古蹟。這組冊頁共計十二開,畫山中勝景古蹟,同時寫明方位或景點。作者未署名款,筆墨溫潤,色調清雅,接近明代中期吳派山水畫風,可知進入清代以後,吳派的傳緒雖然不比昔日盛況,並未全然中斷。&* Mount Sung, also known as “lofty Mount Sung”, is the central of the 5 Sacred Peaks, hence the name here. In northern Teng-feng County, modern Henan, its central peak is lofty, the eastern peak known as T’ai-shih (Greater Room ) ,and the western peak as Shao-shih (Lesser Room )-named for the caverns below the mount. The surviving rock niches at Greater and Lesser Room are historical monuments of the Han (206BC-AD220). This album of 12 leaves renders the majestic and historic scenes while also recording their location and appearance. In this unsigned work, the style is subdued and the coloring elegant, close to the manner of the middle Ming Wu School, suggesting that this tradition, though in decline, still continued into the Ch’ing.