故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁168&*龍宮默識取材於法華第十二品﹝提婆達多品﹞。文殊菩薩於靈山法會期間,曾赴大海娑竭羅龍宮,向龍宮水族宣說﹝妙法蓮華經﹞。聽講水族中,有八歲娑竭羅龍王之女,即因受經而得道成佛,可見文殊化度願力之大。畫波濤萬頃,龍宮華宇。文殊現比丘相,端坐於龍宮大殿上,龍王公卿后妃與魚蝦水族輩,拜詣於殿前堂下,恭敬供養,聆聽妙法。本幅為無量壽佛會慶圖冊第九幅。 &*The subject matter in this leaf derives from Chapter 12 of the Lotus Sūtra. When the Bodhisattva Manjusri was at the Buddhist Assembly at Vulture Peak, he went to the palace of a Dragon King to propagate the Lotus Sūtra. Among those listening to Manjusri’s teaching was the eight-year old daughter of the Dragon King. Because she received the teaching and attained enlightenment, she became a Buddha, exemplifying the power of Manjusri’s vow. The waves are flowing in every direction. Manjusri assumes the shape of a monk and sits in the Dragon King’s palace. The Dragon King, his dukes, ministers, queen, ladies-in-waiting and sea creatures gather in the front of the hall, solemnly making offerings and listening intently to the sūtra.&*1.葛婉章,〈清人畫龍宮默識〉,收入葛婉章編,《妙法蓮華經圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1995年初版),頁103-104。