故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁158&* 屈兆麟,生平待考。 本幅係仿自郎世寧「仙萼長春」冊。按郎世寧於雍正年間(一七二三–一七三五)曾奉命教導中國畫家作油畫。「仙萼長春冊」為郎世寧晚年作品。此件仿作完全依原作畫法,尺幅亦相近,唯有所用絹地不同,色澤郎氏較鮮艷之不同而已。 &* This painting is a leaf from the Album After Castiglione’s Birds and Flowers by Ch’ü Chao-lin. Ch’ü duplicated almost exactly the sixteen-leaf album drawn from life by Castiglione. The two albums are approximately of the same size, but they used different kinds of silk. And also, Ch’ü did not employ colors as rich and brilliant as Castiglione had done. The facts of Ch’u Chao-lin’s life are unknown. Castiglione (1688-1766) did his album in the late period of his life. Earlier during the Yung-cheng period (1723-1735) he instructed Chinese painters in oil painting at the imperial command. &*屈兆麟,生平待考。此套冊頁精確臨仿郎世寧〈仙萼長春〉,尺幅相近,唯有所用絹地不同,仿製與原本莫辨,令人嘆為觀止,是學習郎世寧的優秀作品。此次展覽選出兩開相互比較,屈兆麟對於郎世寧畫作亦步亦趨精細描繪,但其間筆觸仍有差異。例如花蕊部份表現稍稍平面化。對於禽鳥的羽毛光澤雖也有掌握,但透過光澤變化所顯示出的體積感則略為失色。&*Little is known about Ch’ü Chao-lin, including his birth and death dates. This album of leaves is almost an exact copy of “Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring” by Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766; whose Chinese name was Lang Shih-ning), even down to the size of the paintings. The only discernible difference lies in the quality of the silk. The exactness of the copy is indeed amazing, making this an excellent study piece of Castiglione’s painting. Two of the leaves have been selected for this exhibition for comparison with those by Castiglione. Ch’ü Chao-lin demonstrates incredible closeness in detail and refinement, but there are slight differences in the brushwork compared to that of Castiglione. Ch’ü’s representation of the pistils and stamens of the blossoms, for example, is slightly flatter. Likewise, even though Ch’ü Chao-lin exhibited considerable control in rendering the luster of feathers on the birds, changes to the lighting reveal slightly less volume to the forms.&*1.王耀庭、陳韻如,〈清屈兆麟仿郎世寧花卉〉,收入王耀庭主編,《新視界 : 郎世寧與清宮西洋風》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版),頁134-135。 2.王耀庭,〈清屈兆麟仿郎世寧花卉〉,收入王耀庭主編,《傳移模寫》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版),頁96-97。