石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁532-534&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁28&*陳淳(西元一四八三-一五四四年),字道復,生於蘇州望族之家,長於經學、詩文、尤以書畫擅名。曾師事吳中畫壇領袖文徵明,中年以後畫風轉變,以寫花卉畫及米家山水畫著稱。此幀沒骨寫意畫雪裡紅,枝幹盤繞若藤蔓,其上點綴累累,明淨可愛。設色點葉均沉穩清雅,枝幹鈎勒若用草書為之,使此平易尋常小卉具有生動活潑的韻味。本幅選自「明人畫扇-元」冊第廿三開,畫成於丁亥(一五二七)年。&* 此幀沒骨寫意畫雪裡紅,枝幹盤繞若藤蔓,其上點綴累累,明淨可愛。設色點葉均沉穩清雅,枝幹鈎勒若用草書為之,使此平易尋常小卉具有生動活潑的韻味。 本幅選自「明人畫扇-元」冊第廿三開,畫成於丁亥(一五二七)年,陳淳時年四十五歲。畫扇中尚有王寵(一四九四-一五三三)題五言詩、王穉登(一五三五-一六一二)題七言詩各一首,二者均為吳中知名文士。(20100105)&* This folding fan painting mounted as an album leaf depicts empress rose blossoms using the “sketching-ideas” method of “boneless” washes. The leaves in colors are all steady and purely elegant, the outlining of the branches done with cursive brushwork, making this common and unassuming flower appear dynamic and lively. This is the 23rd leaf from the yuan album of “Ming Fan Paintings” and was done in 1527, when Chen Chun 45 by Chinese reckoning. The fan painting features a five-character poem by Wang Chong (1494-1533) and a seven-character one by Wang Zhideng (1535-1612), both famous literati of the Suzhou area.(20100105)