故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁166&* 曹松年,生卒年不詳,江蘇武進人。字仲和。畫宗張宏(西元一五七七-一六五二年前後)。 賺是騙取的意思。本幅畫的是監察御史蕭翼奉唐太宗之命,用哄騙的方法,從辯才和尚手?奪取王羲之〈蘭亭序〉之真蹟的場面。畫中人物,一臉憨厚的老僧是辯才,對面坐著面露狡黠的蕭翼,兩人對語。而旁邊的僕從,手搔頭頂,表示錯愕,狀態引人發笑。 &*Hsiao I Acquiring the Orchid Pavilion Preface by Deception Ts’ao Sung-nien Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) Ts’ao Sung-nien, the dates for whom are unknown, was a native of Kiangsu who studied the style of Chang Hung. This painting illustrates the story of Hsiao I, a official under Emperor T’ai-tsung (r.627-649) who was ordered by him to acquire the Orchid Pavilion Preface by any means possible, including fraud, from the monk Pien-ts’ai, who had in his possession the original version. Here, the simple and honest-looking figure is the old monk Pien-ts’ai, while across from him sits the conniving Hsiao I. The two figures converse as a dumbfounded servant scratches his head, adding an amusing touch to the scene.